Exciting new website all round

...new shop still being updated

norah head shopping

I have been looking after the Norah website for a few years now and as I learn more about how our members interact, I'm hoping we have come to a happy place of getting content to you in the best possible manner all while keeping a future proof mind set of growth and opportunity.

The Website

The website itself has been visited by people overwhelmingly on mobile devices, so a website that is purpose-built for mobiles is what we now have with easy links to the shop, the blog, socials and Revolutionise along with a contact form if needed.

Speaking of socials

Facebook, Tiktok, Instagram and Twitter (X - whatever) and next year the introduction of Youtube and Threads. With so many, we will inevitably work out if we continue to use all of them and whether it's worth spreading our time across all. That said any we choose not to use will end up inactive. Although, who knows what can happen between now and 2024.

The Blog

This is my new baby, I've invested heavily in this for my own business as I see the benefit of blogs every day for every business, and the new blog/news allows a reasonable amount of control over both content and user accessibility. More specifically the ability to "Subscribe" to important updates for our club members to stay up to date on the latest. With any luck, you'll see posts from numerous members of our executive committee throughout each season in an easy to find and read format.

The Shop

Quite frankly, the shop last year was a disaster, the software used to run the shop was, unfortunately, a broken promise to deliver the world and all we got was an atlas, we'll see how this next mob pans out and I look forward to hearing your feedback on everything.

So if you've got a moment, head on over to the website and let me know your thoughts back here in the comments.